THE THANG: Mosey to Amphitheater - 2 min Bottom - 10 burpees Each Step Up 1. Dips x 12 OYO 2. Lunges x 12 OYO 3. Fire drill x 10 on me 4. Merkins x 12 OYO 5. Squat jumps x 12 OYO 6. Box cutters x 12 In Cadence 7. Mike Tyson x 12 In Cadence 8. Shoulder taps THW x 12 OYO Top- 10 burpees Mosey back to field50 Yard Distance Each:Sprint Backward sprint Karaoke one way Karaoke opposite Side shuffles Wojos Leap frogs MARY: In Cadence LBCs(little baby crunches) x 10 High Flutter in cadence x 10 Low Flutter in cadence x 10 Low Scissor x 10 REST x 10 seconds High Scissor x 10 Canoe(modified v-up) x 10 REST x 10 seconds Heels to Heaven x 10 Plank x 30 seconds Monkey Humpers x 10 ANNOUNCEMENTS: July 8 is Official Kickoff COT: Prayer Requests: - Had a FNG last week rhabdo and go to hospital but is on the up&up now. - Funky Bunch dealing with sickness and couldn’t make it. -Two FNGs got named: Comments are closed.