![]() DATE: 02SEP2023 AO: The Bridge House Q: Toll House PAX: Cat Master, -2, F-stop, TP, Hustlebarry, Lucky Charms, Snack Pack, Honeymoon, Rev, Hammy FNGs: 3 - Honeymoon, Rev, Hammy COUNT: 11 CONDITIONS: Absolutely freaking amazing - felt like fall, not super humid WARMUP: Standard disclaimer, 5 core principles, mission statement, credo, count-a-rama SSH 20 HC IC Arm circles 20 HC IC Leg Circles (hip rotations) 10 each side, HC IC X-over toe touches, 15 seconds each side IC Pigeons (glute stretches) 20 sec each side IC Mug Hugs - Hug a cindy and do the Ray Charles Trot loop back to the flag THE THANG: CHIMPS 2-4-6-8-10-12 -Copperhead Squats (dropped 3rd) -Hairy Rockettes (dropped 5th) -Imperial Walkers (dropped 4th) -Monkey Humpers (dropped 1st) -Plank Jacks -SSH (dropped 2nd) Mug Hugs II - Hug a cindy and do the Ray Charles Trot loop but stop at bottom of hill 8 Mjolnirs (American Hammer with coupon) HC IC Trot with coupon over head to second station 10 Block Over Burpees OYO Trot with coupon over head to first station 15 WWIII situps 4C IC Trot to station 2 with coupon in tricep hang 15 Squat thrusts 4C IC Trot to station 1 with coupon glasses 15 Brick dips IC 10 Coupon rows each side, HC IC (80 total) [Cat Master had to abandon ship for family business] Partner up - 20 4C partner coupon swings [way too easy, needed heavier weights like sandbags or kettles] Partner Squat Rockets (1 set while partner does AMRAP merkins) - 3 reps (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_8XWo3XHOo) Hold cindy overhead and spring up hill to flag MARY: 20 LBCs HC IC 20 Hello Dollies HC IC 20 Shoulder taps HC IC 20 Freddie Mercuries HC IC Lewis and Clarks, two reps NAME-A-RAMA: Count-a-rama (minus 1) Name-a-rama FNGs: Erwin Bassig - Just celebrated his 13th anniversary and 12th year in Albany, got Honeymoon Bruce Pittman - Ex pastor, now author, got Rev Josh Carr - Just transition from cop to insurance job, got Hammy ANNOUNCEMENTS: Cat Master heading up new AO and workout day (Monday) Sep 11 Monday morning 9/11 memorial workout at Civic Center steps (2,200 steps) Sep 23 afternoon family convergence - still finalizing location, food list out soon (hamburgers, hotdogs, chips / fries) Let us know in the T-Shirt announcement on Slack if you want to pre-order an F3 Albany shirt Still time to register for GTE-40 in Savannah COT: One pax asked for prayer for financial situation, prayer for those affected by hurricane, praise for no loss of life TP prayed out, Pax pledged out Selfie 🤳 Toll House brought iced coffee Comments are closed.