DATE: 2023-05-27 AO: #the-bridge-house Q: Toll House PAX: Toll House, Tweeter, Funky Bunch, Toll House, Hide 'n Seek, Goose FNGs: 1 (Goose) COUNT: 5 Started with the PoA and Disclaimer After last week's Coupons 101 guest Q by F3 Thomasville, Toll House showed up with a mini-van full of concrete coupons. Note: New bricks are freakishly sharp - wear gloves! WARMUP: Toe Touches Windmills Arm Circles Imperial Walkers Side Straddle Hops THE THANG: Murder Bunnies with concrete block coupons from flag to back of crest of big hill behind the Bridge House (40 yards) 5 Dumbbell Rows each side with coupons, go down hill, 5 Burpees with coupon, then back up for 6 Dumbbell Rows each side, then back down for 4 Burpees, etc., until 1 Burpee at bottom and 10 Dumbbell Rows at top. The hill is about 35-40 degrees, and more than half the pax moderated down before end of exercise, skipping the descent and accent. Next set, carried coupons back to flag. 12 LBCs with bricks on chest (I was repeatedly corrected for saying curls... ) 12 Squats holding coupons 12 WWIII Sit-ups 12 Coupon Front standing overhead presses 5 Planking Block Pull (plank, pull brick from right side to left with left hand, switch hands, pull block from left side to right) 1 Tower of Power Merkin set (rotated in two groups to share coupons) Bear Crawl to CoS with coupon pull 15 yards CIRCLE OF SCOTTIE: LBCs with coupon Plank 30sec on coupon American Hammers holding coupon Raised-leg Touch Touches with coupon (on back, reach up and touch toes with coupon) Box Cutters 3 sets of Domino Planks to end of line and back (like the wave, but switching to one-arm planks instead of standing) ANNOUNCEMENTS: Started picking Q's for next four Saturdays (Toll House will be downrange) Tried to EH everyone into prepping for Savannah GrowRuck in October COT: Count-off Name-a-rama Named FNG - Goose Shared prayer requests Funky Bunch closed in prayer Coffeeteria at Elements Comments are closed.