DATE: 05SEP2023 AO: Ankle Breaker Q: Rocky Top [VQ!] PAX: F-stop, Cat Master, -2, Hammy, Crawlspace, Cramer, Toll House, Sloppy Joe, Snack Pack, Iris, Honeymoon FNGs: None COUNT: 12 CONDITIONS: Comfortable 75ish degrees, wet WARMUP: Side Straddle Hops (SSH) x 15 Arm Circles (Little) x 12 Arm Circles (Big) x12 Game Wardens x 15 each side Cherry Pickers x 15 Leg stretch of choice x 30 seconds Count Off Mosey through ankle breaker to the back 40 THE THANG: Partnered up for burpee roulette: 10: Bear Crawl uphill/ crab walk down with there and backs and victory laps after completion Tollhouse’s number hit on roulette. BURPEES substituted for this rep 20: Lunges (hard count) alternating with there and backs and victory laps after completion 30: Merkins alternating with there and backs and victory laps after completion 40: Mountain climbers (skipped due to poor Q work keeping track of the workout) 50: Curb dips alternating with there and backs and victory laps after completion 60: Squats alternating with there and backs F-stop’s number hit on roulette. BURPEES substituted for this rep Due to time constraints skipped to the ten rep on the way down 10: Bear Crawl uphill/ crab walk down alternating with there and backs and victory laps after completion MARY: (Abbreviated due to time constraints) In keeping with the game of chance theme those who took the right path around the bushes did LBC x 60 … and those who took the left path did WWII sit-ups x 30 ANNOUNCEMENTS: New t-shirt pre-order if there is enough interest- we need 2 more to get the order in, so let Toll House know if you want one. Family convergence at Crawlspace’s house 9/23, sign-up sheet for food to follow. New AO at the ASU West campus (Darton) on Mondays except 9/11 when Toll House has a special memorial workout planned for us. COT: Count-a-rama Name-a-rama Prayer Requests: Continued discipline with quiet time and sleep schedule - praise the Lord none of my kids haven’t gotten sick from their cousins thus far. Prayed us out and pledged us out. Coffeeteria followed with some loyalty roast by black rifle coffee. [Toll House: T-Claps for Rocky Top - This was his VQ - He did a great job coming up with an interesting and challenging workout that kept the pax moving the entire time. Excited to have him officially in the lineup!] DATE: 02SEP2023 AO: The Bridge House Q: Toll House PAX: Cat Master, -2, F-stop, TP, Hustlebarry, Lucky Charms, Snack Pack, Honeymoon, Rev, Hammy FNGs: 3 - Honeymoon, Rev, Hammy COUNT: 11 CONDITIONS: Absolutely freaking amazing - felt like fall, not super humid WARMUP: Standard disclaimer, 5 core principles, mission statement, credo, count-a-rama SSH 20 HC IC Arm circles 20 HC IC Leg Circles (hip rotations) 10 each side, HC IC X-over toe touches, 15 seconds each side IC Pigeons (glute stretches) 20 sec each side IC Mug Hugs - Hug a cindy and do the Ray Charles Trot loop back to the flag THE THANG: CHIMPS 2-4-6-8-10-12 -Copperhead Squats (dropped 3rd) -Hairy Rockettes (dropped 5th) -Imperial Walkers (dropped 4th) -Monkey Humpers (dropped 1st) -Plank Jacks -SSH (dropped 2nd) Mug Hugs II - Hug a cindy and do the Ray Charles Trot loop but stop at bottom of hill 8 Mjolnirs (American Hammer with coupon) HC IC Trot with coupon over head to second station 10 Block Over Burpees OYO Trot with coupon over head to first station 15 WWIII situps 4C IC Trot to station 2 with coupon in tricep hang 15 Squat thrusts 4C IC Trot to station 1 with coupon glasses 15 Brick dips IC 10 Coupon rows each side, HC IC (80 total) [Cat Master had to abandon ship for family business] Partner up - 20 4C partner coupon swings [way too easy, needed heavier weights like sandbags or kettles] Partner Squat Rockets (1 set while partner does AMRAP merkins) - 3 reps ( Hold cindy overhead and spring up hill to flag MARY: 20 LBCs HC IC 20 Hello Dollies HC IC 20 Shoulder taps HC IC 20 Freddie Mercuries HC IC Lewis and Clarks, two reps NAME-A-RAMA: Count-a-rama (minus 1) Name-a-rama FNGs: Erwin Bassig - Just celebrated his 13th anniversary and 12th year in Albany, got Honeymoon Bruce Pittman - Ex pastor, now author, got Rev Josh Carr - Just transition from cop to insurance job, got Hammy ANNOUNCEMENTS: Cat Master heading up new AO and workout day (Monday) Sep 11 Monday morning 9/11 memorial workout at Civic Center steps (2,200 steps) Sep 23 afternoon family convergence - still finalizing location, food list out soon (hamburgers, hotdogs, chips / fries) Let us know in the T-Shirt announcement on Slack if you want to pre-order an F3 Albany shirt Still time to register for GTE-40 in Savannah COT: One pax asked for prayer for financial situation, prayer for those affected by hurricane, praise for no loss of life TP prayed out, Pax pledged out Selfie 🤳 Toll House brought iced coffee DATE: 31AUG2023 AO: Ankle Breaker Q: Cat Master PAX: -2, Cat Master, Cramer, Crawlspace, Marty, Rocky Top, Sloppy Joe, Toll House, TP, Snack Pack, F-stop FNGs: None COUNT: 11 CONDITIONS: 71 and everything’s wet WARMUP: Side Straddle Hops (SSH) x 20, cherry pickers x15, arm circles forward, back, and palm trees Mosey loop back to shovel flag THE THANG: 1. 100 Merkins (P1 does 10 while P2 holds plank; 100 total for group) 2. 100 Little Baby Crunches (LBCs) (P1 does 10 while P2 holds 6 inches 100 total for group) 3. 100 Squats (P1 does 10 while P2 holds air chair; 100 total for group) 4. Circled up for Dealer's Choice. Called on PAX to call out partner exercises. Burpees while partner does shoulder taps (40 total) Rockytop Big boys while partner does ankle touches (50 total) SloppyJoe 50 yard sprints while partner does flutter kicks (5 rounds each) -2 Bear crawl to crab crawl for whole group x1 TP Russian twists (HC)4 x 20 CatMaster MARY: Mary didn’t show up. ANNOUNCEMENTS: New t-shirt pre-order if there is enough interest, so speak now or forever wear a different shirt. COT: No prayer requests. Prayed us out and pledged us out. Coffeeteria provided by Tennessee’s biggest fan, RockyTop [Nantan's note: This was Cat Master's VQ. Outstanding work!] DATE: 29AUG2023 AO: Ankle Breaker Q: Crawlspace PAX: F-stop, Cat Master, -2, Cramer, Marty, Hustlebarry, Crawlspace, Roach, Sloppy Joe, TP, Rocky Top, Snack Pack, Iris, Ma’Bell FNGs: None COUNT: 14 (-2) Disclaimer: I am not a professional. This workout is free, completely volunteer and peer led. I have no knowledge of any of your injuries or fitness considerations. It is your responsibility to modify exercises if you need to. Don’t get hurt. CREDO: Leave no man behind but leave no man where you found him 5 Core Principles: Free, Open to all men, held outdoors, peer led & ends with a COT Mission Statement: Plant, Grow & Serve small workout groups of men for the re-invigoration of male community leadership. WARMUP: Toe Touches Arm Stretches Squat Groin Stretch Monkey Humpers x 30 Every Time Morgan Wallen Says “Up Down” Count-Off Mosey the Loop THE THANG: Partner Up! As a team - 50 Merkins 100 Monkey Crunches, 150 Squats, 200 SSH, 2 Down&Backs While Partner Planks, 250 LBCs Partner #1 Performs AMRAP while Partner #2 Moseys Said Distance MARY: Peter Parkers x 30 IC HC ANNOUNCEMENTS: - GrowRuck Savannah - September 23rd BBQ - Bring Your Fam! COT: Performed another count off due to losing 2 PAX Members Name-A-Rama Prayer Requests: - Stomach Bug Going Around - Getting Adequate Sleep - MaBell’s Parents and Traveling. Mom is having heart palpitations. - Cramer & Roach’s health. Lost one during warm-ups and lost other during Mosey. - FunkyBunch & Toll House Covid and stomach issues/symptoms and couldn’t make it last minute. Prayed us out then Rocky Top came through again! Provided coffeeteria for the group and had some good mumblechatter/coffeeteria time. DATE: 26AUG2023 AO: The Bridge House Q: Toll House, PAX: Crawlspace, -2, Cramer, Sloppy Joe, Steven Dancer, F-stop, Hustlebarry, Lucky Charms, Camel, Tetanus FNGs: 1 - Tetanus COUNT: 11 CONDITIONS: Hottest day of the year, 96% humidity WARMUP: Q arrived 3 minutes late and paid the price in burpees. Thanks to Crawlspace for kicking things off promptly at 7 AM. Side straddle hops, Triceps Stretches, Willie Mays Hayes, etc. THE THANG: Mosey to Amphitheater (Himalayas) Q spit a few facts about the Himalayan Mts, talked about the difficulty and work required in terrace farming. Pax worked up the 8 terraces, starting with 1 burpee and adding one for each terrace, finishing with 8 at the top. At each level, pax planked until the six finished before progressing. Then pax did the same thing on the way down, but with squats. Mosey to the Beast (Mt. Everest ) More facts about the mountain, including it's 1/3 of normal oxygen and death rate for climbers. Pax had to do Bernies to the top, three times, with a crab walk down on the third time. Mosey to Bridge Hill (Alps) More facts about the Alps Pax did 8's up the hill, starting with 1 plank jack on the bottom and 7 mountain climbers on the top. Mosey to stone terrace (Appalachians) More facts, mostly about Appalachian dialects. Pax worked up the five terraces, doing 15 dips, then 15 derkins, 15 dips, 15 herkins, then 15 dips Pretty sure there was dead skunk there somewhere. Mosey to Riverquarium steps (Rockies) More facts about Rockies (2nd tallest range in world, Mt. Denali name change, etc. Pax did HC calf raises (40x2 for 80 total) 10 normal, 10 toes in, 10 toes out, 10 normal Mosey back to flag MARY: 20 4C leg lifts IC 20 Big Boi situps IC 20 Scissor Kicks IC 20 HC LBCs IC Pax held the canoe position (feet and shoulders off ground - only butt touching, no holding legs) until unable to do so. Sloppy Joe's core strength was unmatched, though Crawlspace gave him a run for his money. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Count-a-rama Name-a-rama FNG named - Discovered Crawlspace has a penchant for questionable names. Buddy McBride does handy-man work, recently stepped on a nail and had to get a shot. So we named him Tetanus, which still is a little questionable if you pay attention to the spelling. GTE40 upcoming Stickers still available Reminded Pax to get on Slack Invited pax that haven't Q'd to let us know if they're available. Brief mention of upcoming family convergence COT: Friend's wife of less than a year in hospice from cancer. Prayer for peace and acceptance Ordered steps for morning routines, need for discipline and accountability in all 3 F's Cat Master out due to Stomach Bug going around Q prayed out, Pax pledged. Toll House brought iced coffee DATE: 24AUG2023 AO: Ankle Breaker Q: -2 PAX: Crawlspace, Sloppy Joe, Cat Master, Cramer, F-stop, Rocky Top, Funky Bunch, Marty, Toll House, Iris FNGs: None COUNT: 11 CONDITIONS: Dark, 78 degrees, and muggy as a greenhouse sauna WARMUP: 20 HC side straddle hops IC Palm tree stretches 20 arm circles small, 20 large, IC Toe touches 15 Cherry pickers IC THE THANG: Mosey around Ankle Breaker (.5 miles) to stone square 1 minute stone bench dips AMRAP 1 minute merkins AMRAP 1 minute lunges AMRAP 1 minute scissor kicks, AMRAP Mosey to Veranda balcony stairs Five laps up and down stairs 10 each calf raises normal, calf raises toe out, calf raises toe in Mosey back to stone square 1 minute stone bench dips AMRAP 1 minute merkins AMRAP 1 minute lunges AMRAP Back the the balcony for five more laps and 30 more calf raises, then back to the square for, you guessed it... 1 minute stone bench dips AMRAP 1 minute merkins AMRAP 1 minute lunges AMRAP Then back to the balcony for one last set of laps and calf raises MARY: 20 Imperial walker, HC IC 15 scissor kicks, HC IC 15 cross kicks, HC IC 20 Big boi situps, IC ANNOUNCEMENTS: Discussed slack channels, notifications Talked about planning for Sep 23 family 2nd F event Need to choose venue and food Discussed possibility of creating a companion AO for Ankle Breaker on Mon-Wed for the avoidance of problematic gatherings COT: Cramer gave some good advice on keeping our concentrica aligned, making sure our 3rd F isn't dropped for our 1st F. Cat Master chimed in with some truth, too. Toll House is still struggling with that, especially with having to get up in the night for a 2.0's T1D maintenance. Iris and Sloppy Joe both have friends / relatives suffering from cancer - one is a recently married bride with a terminal diagnosis- pray for her husband to trust in Providence. Count-a-rama Name-a-rama Pledged out, then selfie Rocky Top provided some steaming hot coffeeteria Cat Master edited Marty and Cramer into the Selfie Naked Man Moleskine: This was -2's VQ, and he did a great job. We had one Pax splash merlot, many dumb jokes were told, and everyone was sweaty. T-Claps! -Toll House DATE: 22AUG2023 AO: Ankle Breaker Q: Crawlspace PAX: F-stop, Cramer, Roach, -2, Toll House, Sloppy Joe, TP, Cat Master, Marty, Rocky Top, Iris FNGs: None COUNT: 12 WARMUP: Bear Hugs x 12 IC Hill Billies x 12 IC Daisy Pickers x 12 IC Don Quixotes x 12 IC Count Off THE THANG: 1 Mile Mosey EMOM - Every 1/4 mile perform 5 min EMOM workout 1/4 - 12 Merkins x 5 2/4 - 15 Squats x 5 3/4 - 20 Mtn Climbers Hard Count x 5 1/1 - 10 Burpees x 5 MARY: No Time ANNOUNCEMENTS: - Stickers @ $2/each COT: Prayer Requests: - Sleep schedules, Cat Master’s 2.0 night terrors - Praise: Toll House started school year off with a bang smooth sailing. Hopefully it’ll stay that way. Q prayed us out then we pledged. Rocky Top provided coffeeteria for the group and had some good mumblechatter/coffeeteria time DATE: 19AUG2023 AO: The Bridge House Q: Ricky Bobby (Rogue Region) PAX: Crawlspace, Cat Master, TP, -2, Roach, Toll House, Sloppy Joe, Slice, Kuerig, Snack Pack, Brisket (Rogue Region), Lucky Charms, Empty Nest, Camel FNGs: Lucky Charms, Empty Nest, Camel COUNT: 15 CONDITIONS: Outstanding South GA Morning WARMUP: OYO stretches during Mission Statement/ Core Principles Lord’s Prayer THE THANG: Back To School Rogue Region Style Completed each grade of work and then followed with a mosey. Came back and worked our way up with each grade. Finished 12th grade with a Bear Crawl and 5 Burpees buy out. Excellent push by the PAX, special thanks to Brisket for Shake and Baking with me up to Albany. K- SSH 1st-Merkins 2nd-Squats 3rd-Flutters 4th-Curls 5th-Lunges 6th-Big Boyz 7th- OHP 8th- Cindy Swings 9th- LBC’s 10th- Tricep Extensions 11th- Freddie Mercury’s 12th- Burpees MARY: Pax just did 12 years of grade school. No time for Mary. COT: Q put Brisket on the spot and asked him to share his F3 story with the group. Then mentioned what I spoke about last week about living with Gratitude, Attitude, and Service: GAS! It was an awesome morning with a great group of guys! Name-a-Rama FNG's named: Wes (EH'd on site!) got Empty Nest due to just having last child leave, Brad got Camel for just quitting smoking cold turkey (though there was a minor violation in that he kind of picked his own name), and Enoch's red hair got him the name Lucky Charms. Pledge/ Prayer Coffeeteria supplied by Toll House with iced coffee DATE:17AUG2023 AO: Ankle Breaker Q: Crawlspace PAX: -2, Cat Master, Cramer, Crawlspace, F-stop, Sloppy Joe, Toll House, TP, Rocky Top, MaBell (F3Cherokee) FNGs: None COUNT: 10 WARMUP: Cheerleaders x 12 IC Goofballs x 15 IC Willie Mays Hays x 12 IC Heavy Doodies x 12 IC Leg Stretch of Choice x 1 min Count Off Mosey Loop THE THANG: 100 Hurpees! - 5 rounds of there and backs with 10 hurpees at each end. R1 - Bear Crawl R2 - Karaoke R3 - Sprint R4 - Wojos R5 - Lunges MARY: Dr. W - 8 Count x 10 IC Good Morning Abby’s/Prisoner Getups x 10 OYO J-Lo Planks 4 count x 12 IC Australian Snow Angels x 12 IC Bay City Scissors - 8 Count x 12 IC ANNOUNCEMENTS: - Emergency Contact List on Slack Needs to be Filled - GrowRuck Savannah in October Free Spot Open. See Tollhouse for more info. COT: Prayer Requests: - Continue to pray for Toll House and sleep/scheduling mornings and nights. - School starting up so everyone’s schedule changes. - Cat Master’s son having night terrors and Cat Master’s sleep schedule/quiet time/past struggles. - MaBell’s mom is having heart issues and dad has dementia at same time so prayers for them and comfort for MaBell in this time as well as traveling. Toll House Prayed us out then we pledged. Toll House provided iced coffee for the group and had some good mumblechatter/coffeeteria time DATE:15 AUG 2023 AO: Ankle Breaker Q: Toll House PAX: Cat Master, Cramer, TP, Roach, F-stop, -2, Rocky Top, Marty, Sloppy Joe FNGs: 1 (Sloppy Joe) COUNT: 10 WARMUP: SSH x20, HC IC Sun Gods, x40, HC IC Cherry Pickers x15 HC IC X-Toe touches Mosey around Ankle Breaker, Shake 'n Bake stye THE THANG: Q was experimenting with a wide range of block exercises today. First was Blocktanamo, where Pax stand in a circle, holding out their cindys as far as possible. One pax drops their cindy and runs the inside circle, slapping the top of everyone's block, then picks up his own block, and the next in line does the same, until all pax have run once. Blockees x10, burpees but with a blocken (block merkin) and overhead press during jump CPR x 15, IC - Curl, then overhead Press, then reach out. I think this would work better as CRP. The pax tended blend the reach into dropping back into starting position Mosey with blocks overhead around the benches and back 15 Blockens IC (block merkins, AKA pushups) 15 Ball buster squats with overhead presses 15 Goblet squats Mosey with overhead carry to Veranda balcony steps Pax split in to pairs, one carries cindy up steps and back down other side at highest safe speed, while second pax planks. Swap and repeat until both pax have done 5 stair climbs each. Mosey back to flag with brick in tricep stretch position (hanging between shoulder blades) Colt 45 - 15 curls from starting position to half way, 15 from half way to chest, 15 from starting position to chest MARY: Not done with Cindy yet! 20 WWIII situps (Situp fully with cindy, then do an overhead press) Cobra stretch Hello Dollies x20 HC IC Bicycles IC x20 HC IC ANNOUNCEMENTS: Stickers still for sale Pre-planning for F2 family event Discussed demand for a second shirt run Ricky Bobby coming from Rouge Region with some other PAX on Saturday to guest Q COT: Count-a-rama Name-a-rama Named FNG - Caleb does food service and insurance work and is a big UGA fan. Q floated Dumbo, but the PAX ultimately settled for Sloppy Joe. Welcome! Prayers for Cat Master's children (one with night terrors, other to not have serious side effect from genetic disorder, and Cat Master +M to get enough sleep) Cramer has a friend with a serious health issue. Toll House for ordered evenings and personal discipline TP prayed out, pax pledged Thanks to Rocky Top for the coffeeteria! Naked Man Moleskine: Q found out the hard way this morning to check blocks for fire ant hills before loading them up... and to check behind himself for blocks when back-peddling. Ow. |